
2024 Approved Resolutions

Resolution NumberResolution TitleDate Approved
Resolution #3072Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Task Order No. 2023-08” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s Water and Sewer Rate Study Project01/09/2024
Resolution #3073Resolution Declaring Used Water Meter Boxes and Lids as Surplus, and Authorizing their Disposition and Sale01/09/2024
Resolution #3074Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a professional services agreement for janitorial services01/09/2024
Resolution #3075Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Agreement No. 38253” with Yakima County in Conjunction with the American Rescue Plan, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Award01/09/2024
Resolution #3076Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Two-Page Transportation Improvement Board Updated Cost Estimate and Two-Page Project Accounting History Form, for the Fremont Avenue Overlay Project01/09/2024
Resolution #3077Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to “Task Order No. 2024-01” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s East Goodlander Road / Lancaster Road Traffic Signal Project01/09/2024
Resolution #3078Resolution Declaring the Valleyview Avenue, South Third Street and Southern Avenue Improvements Project to be Complete and Accepting the Work and Materials01/09/2024
Resolution #3079Resolution Adopting the City’s Public Participation Plan for the Middle Housing Grant01/09/2024
Resolution #3080Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign an Updated Authorization Form for Investment of City of Selah Monies in the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP)01/09/2024
Resolution #3081Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign and Transmit a Contractual Purchase Offer on Three Real Estate Properties, Authorizing Staff to Engage an Escrow Company, Authorizing Staff to Deliver the Purchase Funds and Additional Closing Funds to the Escrow Company, and Authorizing the Mayor and Staff to Perform and Approval Other Necessary Actions to Effectuate Closing of the Contemplated Transaction01/09/2024
Resolution #3082Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with the Yakima Valley Council of Governments (YVCOG) for the Establishment and Governance of the Operation of Yakima Valley Local Crime Lab (YVLCL)01/09/2024
Resolution #3083Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Sign the Combined Quote and Professional Services Agreement with Springbrook Express, Xpress Bill Pay, and Databar Billing Statements, to Acquire a Financial Software License, Online Bill Payment and Professional Services01/09/2024
Resolution #3084Resolution Appointment Members of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) for Year 202401/09/2024
Resolution #3085Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Task Order No. 2” with Gray & Osborne, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s East Orchard Avenue Sidewalk Project01/23/2024
Resolution #3086Resolution Adopting the City’s Local Road Safety Plan01/23/2024
Resolution #3087Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to “Task Order No. 2024-02” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s Lyle Avenue Water Main Improvements Project01/23/2024
Resolution #3088Resolution approving and adopting the City of Selah’s 2023 Housing Action Plan01/23/2024
Resolution #3089Resolution Declaring that an Emergency Exists Due to Unexpected Failure of the Influent Screen at the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant; Waiving all Typically-Applicable Competitive Bidding Requirements; Authorizing the Public Works Director to Sign One or More Contracts to Purchase all Necessary Replacement Equipment and to Obtain all Necessary Planning and/or Installation Services Without Delay or Further Approval; Authorizing All Necessary Work to Commence Without Delay or Further Approval; And Providing for Publication of Summary and Financial Estimate01/23/2024
Resolution #3090Resolution Declaring the Fremont Avenue Sewer and Resurfacing Improvements Project to be Complete and Accepting the Work and Materials02/13/2024
Resolution #3091A Resolution Authorizing the Public Works Director to Sign a Water Quality Stormwater Capacity Agreement with the Washington Department of Ecology for $130,000.00 in Grant Funds for the City’s Stormwater Management Plan02/13/2024
Resolution #3092Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the Washut Outside Utility Agreement (OUA -2024-001)02/13/2024
Resolution #3093Resolution Authorizing the Mayor or Public Works Director to Sign and Submit a Rebuilding America Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) 2024 Funding Application to the U.S. Department of Transportation, for a Suite of Transportation Studies Focusing on State Route 823 and Southern Avenue and also a Possible Extension of Naches Avenue to Interstate 8202/13/2024
Resolution #3094Resolution Authorizing the City Attorney to Sign and Enter Into, on Behalf of the City, a Renewed Three-year Contract with Thompson Reuters02/27/2024
Resolution #3095Resolution Authorizing the Mayor or Public Works Director to Sign and Submit a TIB Complete Streets Early Opportunity 2024 Funding Application, For a Sidewalk Gap Project on the North Side of East Home Avenue Which Will Add Sidewalk to Connect N. 1st Street and Wenas Rd02/27/2024
Resolution #3096Resolution Authorizing Additional Funding, Once Again, for the City’s Emergency Water Well #5 Project02/27/2024
Resolution #3097Resolution Declaring the Carlon Park North Tennis Courts Reconstruction Project to be Complete and Accepting the Work and Materials03/12/2024
Resolution #3098
Resolution Declaring Specified Vehicles to be Surplus and Providing for their Disposition
Resolution #3099Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Task Order No. 2024-03” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s Well No. 6 and Zone 3 Booster Pump Station Generator Project03/26/2024
Resolution #3100Evaluation and Approval or Disapproval of Conceptual Design of Mural03/26/2024
Resolution #3101Resolution Declaring the Well No. 3 Pump Replacement Project to be Complete and Accepting the Work and Materials03/26/2024
Resolution #3102Resolution Approving a 6% Increase to the City of Selah’s Solid Waste Utility Rate, Effective July 1, 202403/26/2024
Resolution #3103Yakima County Development Association (YCDA) 2024-2028 Funding Request03/26/2024
Resolution #3104Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Offer a Contractual Amendment to the Police Chief and, if the Police Chief Accepts Such Offer, Further Authorizing the Mayor to Sign and Enter into the Amendment on Behalf of the City03/26/2024
Resolution #3105Resolution approving the reclassification of the Human Resources/Public Records Manager/Administrative Assistant position to City Clerk and the Clerk/Treasurer position to Finance Director, authorizing the addition of a Human Resources & Community Outreach Specialist position, and approving the job descriptions for each03/26/2024
Resolution #3106Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Two-Page Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Updated Cost Estimate for the East Goodlander Road / Lancaster Road Traffic Signal Project04/09/2024
Resolution #3107Resolution authorizing the Mayor sign a 34-page Interagency Agreement with Yakima County for reimbursement of expenses related to the acquisition, installation, and implementation of Flock Automated License Plate Reader Cameras04/09/2024
Resolution #3108Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign two four-page Professional Services Contracts to (1) Reestablish the Professional Services Relationship with the City’s Hearing Examiner, and (2) Establish a Hearing Examiner Pro Tem04/09/2024
Resolution #3109Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to “Task Order No. 2024-04” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the Civic Center Remodel Project04/09/2024
Resolution #3110Resolution establishing the City’s intention to execute a contract with a consultant firm to complete the Climate Element of the City’s future Comprehensive Plan04/09/2024
Resolution #3111Decision on “Appeal” of Code Enforcement Decision04/09/2024
Resolution #3112Resolution Approving New Collective Bargaining Agreement with Police Sergeants and Officers for 2024-202604/09/2024
Resolution #3113Resolution Approving New Collective Bargaining Agreement with Police Clerks and Limited-Commissioned Officers for 2024-202604/09/2024
Resolution #3114Resolution Approving New Collective Bargaining Agreement with Public Works Department Union Employees for 2024-202604/09/2024
Resolution #3115Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Contract with Northeast Electric, LLC, Related to the City’s East Goodlander Road / Lancaster Road Traffic Signal Project04/09/2024
Resolution Ratifying the Mayor’s DocuSign Execution of a Grant Agreement with the Washington State Department of Commerce Relative to the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project4/23/2024
Resolution Authorizing the Mayor or Public Works Director to Sign and Submit a Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Application, for a Roadway Resurfacing Project on First Street from Fremont Avenue to Yakima Avenue and Improvements to the Signalized Intersection at First Street and Naches Avenue04/23/2024
Resolution Authorizing Public Works to Purchase a New Vactor Truck4/23/2024
Resolution #3119Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign an Interlocal Agreement with Kittitas County for Corrections/Detention Services4/23/2024
Resolution #3120Resolution Declaring the Naches Avenue and City Hall Sidewalk Improvements Project to be Complete and Accepting the Work and Materials5/14/2024
Resolution #3121Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Six-Page Contract with Tri-Valley Construction, Inc., for the City’s Lyle Avenue Water Main and PRV Improvements Project5/14/2024
Resolution #3122Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a New Five-Page Agreement Between Selah School District and City of Selah Regarding School Resource Officer5/14/2024
Resolution #3123Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Task Order No. 2024-06” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s Wixson Park Pathway Project5/28/2024
Resolution #3124Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Task Order 3” with Gray and Osborne, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s 2024 Crack Seal Project5/28/2024
Resolution #3125Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Task Order No. 2024-05” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s East Goodlander Road Retraining Wall Reconstruction Project5/28/2024
Resolution #3126Resolution Authorizing the Signing and Submission of a Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Safe Routes to School Funding Application, Seeking Grant Funds for a Sidewalk Gap Project on the North Side of East Home Avenue5/28/2024
Resolution #3127Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign an Agreement with Ascent Foundations & More, LLC., Related to the East Orchard Sidewalk Improvements Project5/28/2024
Resolution #3128Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Yakima Valley School to Designate the Selah Civic Center as a Temporary Emergency Evacuation Location5/28/2024
Resolution #3129Resolution Authorizing the Signing and Submission of a Washington State Public Works Board Funding Application Related to the City’s Hillcrest Water Main Replacement Project6/11/2024
Resolution #3130Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Approve Using Funds From Fund 150, Fire Equipment Reserves for Grant Match and Purchace of Generators That Will Be Reimbursed From FEMA. Agreement # FM-5182-04-R5/28/2024
Resolution #3131Resolution Adopting the City of Selah Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program from 2025 to 20306/11/2024
Resolution #3132Resolution Ratifying the Mayor’s Execution of an Agreement with the Selah Downtown Association (SDA)6/11/2024
Resolution #3133Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Public Works Director to sign an Intergovernmental Local Agreement for Stormwater Permit Collaboration Activities between Yakima County and the Cities of Selah, Union Gap and Sunnyside7/9/2024
Resolution #3134Resolution Establishing, for Non-Union Employees, New Rules Regarding: (1) Tuition Assistance; (2) Educational Incentive Pay; (3) Longevity Incentive Pay; and (4) Vacation Accruals7/9/2024
Resolution #3135Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Offer a Contractual Amendment to the City Attorney and, if the City Attorney Accepts Such Offer, Further Authorizing the Mayor to Sign and Enter into the Amendment on Behalf of the City7/9/2024
Resolution #3136Resolution Authorizing the Public Works Department to Purchase a New Generator for Well No. 6 and the Zone 3 Booster Pump Station7/23/2024
Resolution #3137Resolution Authorizing Entry into an Arrangement with the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority (WATPA) Whereby the City will Receive a Reimbursement Grant of $50,000 that can be Used for the Acquisition of Additional Flock Cameras, and also Authorizing Related Subsequent Actions7/23/2024
Resolution #3138Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Additional Flock Cameras7/23/2024
Resolution #3139Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign an Eleven-Page Small Works Contract with Northwest Striping & Sealing, LLC, for the 2024 Crack Seal Project8/13/2024
Resolution #3140Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Six-Page Contract and Package of Documents with Ascent Foundation & More, LLC, for the City’s East Goodlander Road Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project8/13/2024
Resolution #3141Resolution Approving Final Mural Design, Authorizing Its Installation, and Authorizing Request for Reimbursement8/13/2024
Resolution #3142Resolution Establishing the Date, Time and Location for a Public Hearing for Consideration of the “Southern Hill” Annexation, and Directing Publication and Posting of Notice8/13/2024
Resolution #3143Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Six-Page Police Chief Employment Contract with Dustin Soptich8/13/2024
Resolution #3144Resolution Adopting the “Selah Transit Development Plan 2024-2029 and 2023 Annual Report”8/27/2024
Resolution #3145Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Six-Page Contract with Capture Energy, LLC, for the Wixson Park Pathway Project8/27/2024
Resolution #3146Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Six-Page No-Charge Facility Use Agreement with Independent Contractor8/27/2024
Resolution #3147Resolution Authorizing Public Works to Purchase a New 2024 Ford F350 4X4 Pickup Truck and to Surplus the City’s Existing 2010 Ford F350 4X4 Pickup Truck (VIN #1FTRF3B68BEA16137)9/10/2024
Resolution #3148Resolution Declaring a Ford Van, AM General Truck and a Generator Set as Surplus, and Authorizing Their Sale9/10/2024
Resolution #3149Resolution Declaring One 1988 FMC Spartan Pumper as Surplus, and Authorizing its Disposition and Sale9/10/2024
Resolution #3150Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Public Works Director to Sign a Local Agency Agreement and also a Project Prospectus with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Relative to the Selah Street Sweeper Project9/24/2024
Resolution #3151Resolution Authorizing the Mayor, as the City’s Representative to the Joint Board, to Prepare a Proposed 2025 Fire Department Budget that Includes Wages and Salaries Not Exceeding those within a Previously-Presented Salary Comparison Analysis and Proposal9/24/2024
Resolution #3152Resolution Declaring the East Orchard Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Project to be Complete and Accepting the Work and Materials8/10/2024
Resolution #3153Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign “Task Order No. 2024-07” with HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for Professional Services Related to the City’s Well No. 5 Drilling and Equipping Project8/10/2024
Resolution #3154Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign Change Order No. 1 with Northwest Striping & Sealing, LLC, Pertaining to the City’s 2024 Crack Seal Project8/10/2024
Resolution #3155Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Six-Page Agreement with Solarity Credit Union for Sponsorship of One Softball Field at Carlon Park8/10/2024
Resolution #3156Resolution Authorizing the Mayor, the Municipal Judge and/or City Staff to Sign an Interlocal Agreement with the Yakima County District Court Regarding Probation Services and also an Agreement Extension Document8/10/2024