Auto pay with Invoice Cloud came to an end April 2024. Please ensure you are signed up with auto pay with the City or Xpress Bill Pay. If need assistance or have questions, please contact Jasmine Arellano at (509) 698-7326.
Change on Utility Taxes
The City Council voted recently to make a change on utility taxes. Your October bill was consistent with that change. Henceforth, utility taxes will occur as an inter-fund ‘tax’ on gross revenues the City receives. Customers will no longer have to pay utility taxes to the City. This is similar how most municipalities handle utility taxes. Rest assured, the same percentages of utility monies that have historically gone toward helping pay for the police and fire departments, will continue to go toward those things; no funding will be cut. The City Council also voted – as it always does near the turn of a year – to adjust customer rates for water usage, sewer service, and garbage pickup. Those rates were increased, due to inflation and upcoming needs such as the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant. The garbage rate increase was intentionally delayed until January 1, 2025.
Utility Rate Information:
- Resolution #3166 [Water Service]
- Resolution #3165 [Solid Waste]
- Resolution #3164 [Sewer]
- Resolution #3102 [Solid Waste]
- Resolution #3071 [Water]
- Resolution #3069 [Sewer]
- Resolution #3070 [Solid Waste]
Monthly Charges
- Water – metered ($24.68 minimum).
- Water consumption is estimated during the months of November through February.
- Sewer – $97.74 for a single-family home.
- Garbage – $18.91/month for one 64-gallon tote, or $23.03/month for one 96-gallon tote, weekly pick-up.
- There has been an increase in the garbage rate, effective January 1, 2025. This increase was enacted due to rising fuel charges incurred by the City of Selah’s garbage utility vendor, Basin Disposal. If you have any questions, please let us know.
- Please have cans out by 5:00 AM. Residential curbside recycling available at no additional charge. Any extra bags, boxes, or overfills of cans cost $3.15 each.
- Pro tip – Place your garbage can out on Tuesday night, especially during the summer when crews start their pickups earlier to avoid the heat.
- If your garbage was not collected or your garbage can needs replaced, please contact Jasmine Arellano at (509) 698-7326.
Low Income Senior Citizen and Low-Income Disabled Person’s Utility Rate Application Form (must provide income verification)
There will be no garbage pick-up on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas Day; instead, your garbage will be picked up the following business day.
The City of Selah offers an optional recycling program through Basin Disposal. Recycling is picked up the first full week of the month on Thursday, as shown on the 2025 Recycling Collection Calendar. Recycling is a **FREE** service to Selah City Residents.
Due to the current volatility in the markets for recycling materials, Basin Disposal will be collecting only the following items at this time:
1. Aluminum Containers
2. Steel (Tin) Cans
Please note!
We will resume collecting additional recyclables as those markets return to normal.
Yard Waste
We offer a Yard Waste Program from April 9 through October 22 for $2.61 per month. Yard waste is limited to three (3) plastic bags of grass and leaves per pickup, not to exceed 40 pounds per bag. Yard waste is picked up the first and third full weeks of the month on your normal garbage pick-up day.
2025 Annual Spring Yard Waste Clean Up date is TBD. Must be requested by customer.
2025 Annual Fall Yard Waste Clean Up date is TBD. Must be requested by customer.
For an additional fee, Basin Disposal can also pick up larger items, such as furniture and appliances, upon request.
If interested in any of these services, or for additional information on extra cans and the low-income program, contact Jasmine Arellano at (509) 698-7326.
Did you forget to pay your bill?
If you have not paid your bill by the 20th day of the month, you will receive a delinquency notice with a fee of $30.00 added to the past due balance. This amount must be paid by 4:30 PM on the 10th of the following month or water service will be disconnected.
Should the payment due date fall on a weekend, payment will be accepted on the first business day following the payment due date.
For your convenience
You may mail your payment or drop it by our office at 115 West Naches Avenue. If you are unable to make your payment during business hours, you may leave it in the deposit box to the right of the front entrance to City Hall. If using the deposit box or mail, please make payment by check or money order. Do not put cash in the night deposit box or mail.
We also offer an Automatic Payment Plan (APP). When you enroll in this plan, you will receive your monthly bill as usual. Instead of writing a check and mailing your payment, or driving to City Hall to make your payment, you simply enter the amount in your account register. With the APP, your bank is automatically debited on the day that your payment is due, so you can be assured that your utility bill will be paid on time every month. You may cancel the APP by contacting the City of Selah by at least the 15th day of the month in which you desire to discontinue participation. You can print a copy of the APP form by clicking on the link below and drop it off at City Hall to enroll in the plan.
We all make mistakes.
Should you feel that we have made an error, please bring in your receipt or canceled check, and we will be happy to review your record.
Billing Policy During the Winter
During the months of November through February, residential meters are not read. Instead, usage is estimated at 700 cubic feet, and you are billed a minimum charge monthly. When meter reading resumes in March, your billing will often be somewhat higher if water has been used in excess of 700 cubic feet per month.
Billing Responsibility
All unpaid balances charged against the property are payable by the current owner. The City of Selah is not responsible for collection of balances from previous tenants.
Should you have any water leaks, sewer back-ups, or problems with your meter, please call Selah Public Works at (509) 698-7365.
Phone numbers you may want to keep handy
City of Selah 698-7328
Utility Billing 698-7326
Public Works 698-7365
Police Department 698-7346
Fire Department 698-7310
Parks & Recreation 698-7300
Civic Center 698-7302
Basin Disposal 248-7533
Selah Chamber of Commerce 698-7303
Yakima Waste 248-4213
Pacific Power (electricity) 888-221-7070
Cascade Natural Gas 888-522-1130
Consolidated (phone) 697-7267
Charter Communications (cable television) 866-731-5432
Post Office 800-275-8777