Chief’s Page

Chief Dan Christman

Friday, June 7, 2024 was my last day at the Selah Police Department. After a great deal of thought, and discussions with my wife and friends, I’ve accepted the Chief of Police position at the Mount Vernon (WA) Police Department.

To our Selah community members, thank you for all of your support and encouragement. Nearly four years ago, in the middle of COVID, you welcomed me with open arms, and I’ve never taken that for granted.

It’s been my honor to lead the men and women of the Selah Police Department through some of the most challenging times faced by modern law enforcement. It was my vision to ensure our officers and staff were the best trained, best equipped, and best led police agency in the State.

I’ve had the opportunity to hire and promote some outstanding people to help us achieved our goals, and our team has done phenomenal work to continually make Selah a safer city to live, work, and visit.

I want to thank the two Mayors I’ve worked for Mayor Raymond and Mayor Bell. You trusted me to lead the Selah Police Department, and I am grateful for your confidence in me.

To all of our past and present council members, thank you for your unwavering support of public safety. Your trust has allowed us to become one of the most innovative and respected police departments in the region.

Last, but certainly not least, I want to acknowledge and publicly thank the men and women of the Selah Police Department for being willing to change for the better, working tirelessly to keep our community safe, and committing yourselves to defend the line between right and wrong.

The Selah Police Department is made up of a resilient group of human beings. To say that I am proud of them is a profound understatement. Our city continues to be blessed by these talented people, who are the SEPD! They have a very difficult job, and I have come to love, respect, and admire them all for being the true guardians of our community.

Now, the time has come for me to step aside and make way for new leadership. Please help me welcome our newest hire, Lt. Dustin Soptich. I’ve known Dustin since 2017 and I have great confidence that he will do great things for this agency. I predict he will work incredibly hard to continue to move this agency forward, further refining the department, and attracting new talent with new insights. Dustin has been in Law Enforcement for 10 years at YPD and 9 at dispatch in Island County, WA. Dustin and his family are excited to serve the community where they live.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve as your police chief.


Dan Christman