Selah Municipal Court

Statewide data outage

We would like to inform you that the statewide Judicial Information System (JIS), overseen by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), has been temporarily shut down to address a security concern. This shutdown significantly affects District and Municipal Courts across the state. As a result, our ability to respond to inquiries and process cases, among other court functions, is impacted.

Due to this outage, Selah Municipal Court is currently operating with limited services until further notice. Only essential court functions will be available

  • Essential hearings: If you are scheduled for a proceeding you should plan to attend unless notified otherwise
  • Customer Service Counter:  Our service counter remains open but with limited services.  
  • Payments: We are only accepting cash (exact change) credit card and money order payments (no personal checks) at this time; HOWEVER, your payment will NOT be processed until the Statewide data outage has been resolved.

Mission Statement:

Selah Municipal Court strives to provide equal access to the court and a just and efficient application of the laws of the State of Washington

Judge: Bronson Faul

Court Administrator/Clerk: Danae Merritt

Attorney Information:

Selah Prosecuting Attorney: Margita Dornay  (509) 571-1803

Selah Court Appointed Counsel: Dan Polage  (509) 901-0608

Community Service

Community Service may be done at any non-profit organization in the City of Selah.  Yakima County District Court Probation also has a list.

For additional information, please contact the Court Clerk.

Online Bill Payment

To make a payment online to the City of Selah, please visit this website.