
Planning Commission Meeting – November 18, 2014

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 5:30 pm, the Selah City Planning Commission will meet for a regularly scheduled meeting in Council Chambers, Selah City Hall, 115 West Naches Avenue. This meeting is open to the public and conforms with State requirements for the Open Public Meetings Act.

City Council Meeting – moved to Wednesday, November 12, 2014

On Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at 4:00 pm, the Selah City Council will meet for a regularly scheduled meeting in Council Chambers, Selah City Hall, 115 West Naches Avenue. Please note that the meeting date has been changed due to the regularly scheduled meeting date falling on Veterans’ Day.

This meeting is open to the public and conforms with State requirements for the Open Public Meetings Act.

The Council Packet will be available online Sunday, November 9th.


Special Meeting to discuss Utility Tax Increase – Nov. 6

The City of Selah will be holding a public forum on Thursday November 6th at 6:30pm, at Selah Civic Center, to discuss the need to raise utility taxes by 8.5% to cover essential fire and police services. Citizens are invited to come obtain information and discuss their possible concerns. The higher taxes would be used to update and replace emergency vehicles, personnel equipment, and provide updated safety features.

Selah has recently projected the cost of replacing both Fire and Police vehicles … Read More

Planning Commission Meeting – November 4, 2014

On Tuesday, November 4, 2014, at 5:30 pm, the Selah City Planning Commission will meet for a regularly scheduled meeting in Council Chambers, Selah City Hall, 115 West Naches Avenue. This meeting is open to the public and conforms with State requirements for the Open Public Meetings Act.

Planning Commission – Special Meeting October 27, 2014


Notice is hereby given that the City of Selah Planning Commission will hold a special meeting on October 27, 2014 commencing at 5:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practical, in the City of Selah Council Chambers, City Hall Building, 115 W. Naches Avenue, Selah, WA. The purpose of the special meeting is to consider adoption of the September 30, 2014 Planning Commission Public Hearing minutes and generalized discussion of the Open Record Public Hearing Process, including, … Read More

Special Meetings to discuss Utility Tax Increase – Oct. 22 and Nov. 6

The City of Selah will be holding a public forum on Wednesday October 22rd and Thursday November 6th at 6:30pm, at Selah Civic Center, to discuss the need to raise utility taxes by 8.5% to cover essential fire and police services. Citizens are invited to come obtain information and discuss their possible concerns. The higher taxes would be used to update and replace emergency vehicles, personnel equipment, and provide updated safety features.

Selah has recently projected the cost of replacing both … Read More

Selah City Council Meeting – October 14, 2014

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 4:00 pm, the Selah City Council will meet for a regularly scheduled meeting in Council Chambers, Selah City Hall, 115 West Naches Avenue. This meeting is open to the public and conforms with State requirements for the Open Public Meetings Act.