Application: On March 10, 2020, the City of Selah Planning Department received a Class 3 Review, from HLA Engineering and Land Surveying Inc. on behalf of the Selah School District to relocate or surplus five portable classrooms from the John Campbell Elementary School Campus. Two classrooms will be moved to Selah High School, two to the Selah Middle School, one to Lince Kindergarten, and one surplused.
Project Address: 801 N. 1st St., 1401 W. Fremont Ave., & 208 S. 3rd St., Selah, WA 98942.
Tax Parcel Number: 181436-22001, 181435-32002, & 181435-44456
Zoning District of Subject Property: One-Family Residential (R-1)
File Numbers: CL3-2020-001
COVID-19 Public Hearing Procedures/Changes: Applicant and adjoining property owners in accordance with the multiple proclamations by the Governor of the State of Washington (in particular Proclamation 20-28), guidance from the State Attorney General on the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act, and directives by the State Health Department and Yakima Health District regarding COVID-19, the City of Selah has determined that the Public Hearing for the Selah School District will be conducted through electronic means via Zoom.
Open Record Public Hearing: Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, commencing at 5:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as practical, the City of Selah Planning Commission will conduct an open record public hearing via Zoom on the above identified land use application. All interested persons may log in and provide testimony on the application. SMC 21.09.030 and SMC 10.06.040 are pertinent to the hearing procedure. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission will consider the matter and issue a recommendation to the City Council for approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the above identified application. The Zoom public hearing link will be provided on the City of Selah Planning Commission’s webpage no later than 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the hearing. Application information including maps detailing the proposal are available during regular business hours at the Planning Department at 222 South Rushmore Road, Selah, Washington 98942. Contact the Planning Department with project, procedural or environmental questions.
Dated this 9th day of April 2020.
Jeff Peters, Community Development Supervisor.