
Public Hearing – Proposed McLain Annexation



Notice is hereby given by the City of Selah, Washington, that the Selah City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 11TH, 2020, commencing at 5:30 P.M., OR as soon thereafter as  practical, in the Council Chambers, Selah City Hall, 115 W. Naches Avenue, Selah, WA., on the proposed “MCLAIN” ANNEXATION.

The proposed annexation is 3.03 acres in area and is generally located East of South 1st Street, and South of Eleventh Avenue.

Additional information and annexation maps are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the City of Selah Planning Department, 222 South Rushmore Road, Selah, WA.

All persons wishing to offer comments for or against the proposed annexation are encouraged to attend. All written comments received prior to the day of the Public Hearing will be considered in the City Council deliberations. 

If you have annexation of procedural questions please feel free to contact Jeff Peters, Community Development Supervisor, in person at 222 South Rushmore Road, Selah, WA or by phone at (509) 698-7365, by fax at (509) 698-7372 or by e-mail at jeff.peters@selahwa.gov.

Dated this 31st day of January 2020.

Jeff Peters, Community Development Supervisor