
Notice of Development Application



Application: On March 20, 2017, the City of Selah Planning Department received applications for a Planned Development, Preliminary Long Plat, and State Environmental Policy Act Checklist from Steve Weise, P.O. Box 473, Cowiche, WA 98923. The developer is proposing a Rezone to a Planned Development Overlay and Preliminary Long Plat to subdivide 16.63 acres of property into 60 lots of record in five phases.  The plat and planned development propose 16 duplex units (common wall attached single family dwellings) and 44 single family detached dwelling units, including 13 “cottages”, 6 “ADA” homes” and 25 custom homes”.  Proposed lot sizes range from 2,800 to 13,000 sq. ft.  A minimum of 12 percent usable open space is to be provided as a requirement for the Planned Development.

The project is to consist of features intended to provide for a net-zero energy sustainable community which include on-site solar power generation, public sewer, and water service is to be provided for domestic use.

Solar power is proposed to be generated by a 14,400 sq. ft. community solar field with approximately 1,000 solar panels. Solar panels are to be installed on each residence.  An additional solar field with an unspecified number of panels may also be developed.

The project site is located south of Goodlander Road and west of Braeburn Court (Yakima County Parcel Number: 181435-21013 & 21014).

The application was determined complete for processing on April 17, 2017. The decision on this application will be made within one-hundred twenty days of the determination of complete application.

Approvals, Actions and Required Studies: Rezone from Residential, Single Family (R-1) to Planned Development; Preliminary Plat; Development Plan and Program.

Environmental Review: The City of Selah is the lead agency for this proposal under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The City has reviewed the proposal for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS). The process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This may be your only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. After all comments have been received and considered, a threshold determination will be made without an additional comment period. Comments received by 5:00 PM May 30, 2017, will be considered in making the determination. A copy will be sent to those who comment or may be obtained upon request. The determination will have specific appeal information and may be appealed within five business days of issuance.

Request for Written Comments on the Proposal Written comments concerning the proposed Planned Development, Preliminary Plat, and Environmental Checklist will be accepted during the public comment period that ends at 5:00 p.m, on May 30, 2017. You may mail your comments to Selah Planning Department, 222 So. Rushmore Road, Selah, WA 98942, send them by fax to (509) 698-7372 or by e-mail to jeff.peters@selahwa.gov. Reference File Numbers: 914A.17.001, 912.17.001, & 971.17.001 or “Steve Weise” in your correspondence.

Open Record Public Hearing These applications require that the City of Selah Hearing Examiner conduct an open record public hearing regarding the applicant’s Planned Development and Preliminary Long Plat. All interested persons may appear and provide testimony on the application. SMC 21.09.050, SMC 10.06.040, & SMC 10.24.060 are pertinent to the hearing procedure. At the conclusion of the public hearing the Hearing Examiner will consider the matter and issue a recommendation to the City Council for approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the Planning Development and Preliminary Long Plat.

Application information including the SEPA environmental checklist and maps detailing the proposal are available during regular business hours at the Planning Department at 222 South Rushmore Road, Selah, Washington 98942. The staff report will be available approximately one week before the hearing. Contact the Planning Department with project, procedural or environmental questions.

Dated this 1st day of May, 2017.


Jeff Peters, City Planner