Stormwater Management

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater runoff is generated from rain and snowmelt events that flow over land or impervious surfaces, such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops, and does not soak into the ground. The runoff picks up pollutants like trash, chemicals, oils, and dirt/sediment that can harm our rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal waters. To protect these resources, communities, construction companies, industries, and others, use stormwater controls, known as best management practices (BMPs). These BMPs filter out pollutants and/or prevent pollution by controlling it at its source.

How to report a Stormwater Problem

If you are looking for assistance with road flooding, plugged road culverts, cleaning of storm drains, other “maintenance” type issues, or you want to report illegal discharges of oil, sediment, garbage, or other pollutants into surface waters or stormwater facilities, please call our Hotline number. To report an issue after normal business hours, please call the non-emergency dispatch (after hours) number.  City of Selah Public Works: (509) 698-7365

Reporting Illicit Discharges (S5.B.3.c.v)
To report a suspected illicit discharge in Selah, Sunnyside, Union Gap, or the County, call 509-574-2300 or email.

Illicit Discharge Requirements & Conditions (S5.B.3)

Illicit discharges are:

  • Hazardous waste
  • Liquid or solid wastes
  • Operational wash water
  • Septic or sewer connections

Under certain conditions, the following are not illicit discharges:

  • Dust control water
  • Lawn water
  • Permitted discharges covered under another permit
  • Street/sidewalk wash water
  • Swimming pool discharge – dechlorinated pool water only at undetectable levels (0.1mg/L).
  • Water line or hydrant flush water

Illicit discharges are not:

  • Air conditioning condensation
  • Uncontaminated crawl space pump discharge
  • Footing drains
  • Foundation drains
  • Ground water
  • Irrigation water from agricultural sources

Eastern Washington Phase II Municipal Permit Requirements:

City of Selah’s Permit # WAR04-6008

Eastern Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit

2019 Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington

Annual Reporting:

2017 Annual Stormwater Report

2018 Annual Stormwater Report

2019 Annual Stormwater Report

2020 Annual Stormwater Report

2021 Annual Stormwater Report

2022 Annual Stormwater Report

2023 Annual Stormwater Report

Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP)- (S5.A)

Selah began its Stormwater Management Program in 2001, with preparation of a Stormwater Management Plan. This initial planning effort gave the City a leg up on Ecology’s requirements found in the Eastern Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. The City of Selah has been working diligently to meet the requirements of the permit, including adoption of new ordinances, policies and procedures, contractor specifications, purchasing equipment, and training staff. Work efforts to date have been funded by Ecology grants, which provide funding for Stormwater Management and for design of improvements to specifically reduce stormwater pollutant discharges from existing developments. Selah continually evaluates the effectiveness of the program, modifying procedures and BMPs when necessary to protect the receiving water quality.

All Permittees are required to develop and implement a Stormwater Management Program during the term of this Permit. A SWMP is a set of actions and activities comprising the (6) components listed in S5 and any additional actions necessary to meet the requirements of applicable TMDLs pursuant to S7– Compliance with TMDL requirements, and S8- Monitoring and Assessment.

  • Public education and outreach
  • Public involvement and participation
  • Illicit discharge, detection and elimination
  • Construction site runoff control
  • Post-construction stormwater management for new development and redevelopment
  • Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations.

Selah’s SWMP

Municipal Operations and Maintenance

City of Selah’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (S5.B.6.a.i(h))

Financial Grant-Public Notice

2015-2017 Biennial Stormwater Capacity Grant Public News Letter

Mapping (S5.B3.a.ix.)

City of Selah Storm Sewer System Map

City of Selah Storm Sewer System Map via Yakima County GIS

City of Selah Map

Regional Stormwater Working Group-RSWG

The Yakima Regional Stormwater Group (RSWG) is an advisory group consisting of local elected or appointed officials from Yakima County, and the cities of Selah, Sunnyside, and Union Gap to oversee municipal staff efforts to regionally comply with stormwater permit requirements. Regular meetings are held quarterly at the Yakima County Courthouse. Due to COVID-19, meetings will be held virtually until further notice.  These meetings are open to the public therefore you will find updated meeting information, agendas & minutes “HERE”.

2019 Regional Stormwater Management Program (S5.A.4)

Public Education & Outreach (S5.B.1)

The public education and outreach requirement is fulfilled by a contract with the Franklin County Conservation District Drain Rangers Program.


Drain Rangers Elementary Stormwater Curriculum:

(Grades 3-5)​

The purpose of the Elementary Stormwater Curriculum is to develop an understanding of the serious issues facing our community from stormwater pollution and to share specific actions we can take to improve the quality of our water. In this unit, students will be introduced to a problem-solving model where they think like an engineer and explore ways to solve the problem of stormwater pollution. The lessons in this unit are specifically designed to meet classroom requirements of the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. Content about polluted stormwater runoff, engineering design, and literacy skills are integrated throughout the unit so that students can practice and apply the new standards with relevant content. Polluted stormwater runoff is one of many environmental problems our students will face. By equipping our students at a young age with the problem solving tools of the engineer and the verbal and written skills of an effective communicator, we are preparing these students to solve the difficult and challenging environmental issues that affect our present and our future.

To schedule a Drain Rangers presentation, please email​.

EPA Watershed Academy

E&O Effectiveness Studies (S5.B.1.b)

City of Yakima Car Wash Wastewater Fact Sheet

Public Involvement & Participation (S5.B.2)

(To be updated soon)

Selah’s Taylor Ditch TMDL Monitoring (S7.A.)

TMDL Action Plan 2018

Total Maximum Daily Load Process

Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control (S5.B.5.a)

(To be updated soon)

Construction Tack Out Guidance (PDF)

Additional Resources:

NPDES Stormwater Program

Washington Stormwater Center