If you need assistance or have a question, please contact the department you wish to speak with directly by phone or fax, or send e-mail by clicking on the department name listed below. Use the online form for Public Records Requests.
If you are unsure about which department to contact, please call (509) 698-7381.
City Hall is located at
115 W Naches Ave.
Selah, WA 98942
Open Monday – Friday; 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
City Hall (509) 698-7328
Mayor | Roger Bell | roger.bell@selahwa.gov |
City Administrator (Interim) | Roger Bell | roger.bell@selahwa.gov |
City Attorney | Rob Case | rob.case@selahwa.gov |
City Clerk | Courtney McGarity | courtney.mcgarity@selahwa.gov |
Finance Director | Kimberly Grimm | kimberly.grimm@selahwa.gov |
Utility Billing / Business License Specialist | Jasmine Arellano | jasmine.arellano@selahwa.gov |
Payroll / Accounts Payable Specialist | Kathy Davis | kathy.davis@selahwa.gov |
HR / Community Outreach Specialist | Michelle Damron | michelle.damron@selahwa.gov |
Fire Department (509) 698-7310
Fire Chief | Jim Lange | james.lange@selahwa.gov |
Deputy Chief / Fire Marshal | Scott Willis | scott.willis@selahwa.gov |
Fire Admin. Assistant | Kylie Huri | kylie.huri@selahwa.gov |
Municipal Court (509) 698-7329
Judge | Bronson Faul | *email the Court Clerk* |
Court Clerk / Administrator | Danae Merritt | danae.merritt@selahwa.gov |
Police Department (509) 698-7347
Police Chief | Dustin Soptich | dustin.soptich@selahwa.gov |
Lieutenant | Michael Gause | michael.gause@selahwa.gov |
Police Clerk | Laura Conger | laura.conger@selahwa.gov |
Community Service Specialist | Missy Maki | melissa.maki@selahwa.gov |
Animal Control | Chris Knox | chris.knox@selahwa.gov |
Public Works (509) 698-7365
Public Works Director | Rocky Wallace | rocky.wallace@selahwa.gov |
Public Works Department Assistant | Caprise Groo | caprise.groo@selahwa.gov |
Public Works Utility Supervisor | Ty Jones | ty.jones@selahwa.gov |
Engineering Technician | Matthew Taylor | matthew.taylor@selahwa.gov |
Community Development & Planning (509) 698-7365
City Planning | Planning Division | permits@selahwa.gov |
Community Development Supervisor | Steve Zetz | stephen.zetz@selahwa.gov |
Planning and Building Permit Specialist | Jennifer Leslie | jennifer.leslie@selahwa.gov |
Building Inspector / Code Enforcement | Jeff Fortner | jeff.fortner@selahwa.gov |
Stormwater / Code Enforcement | Erin Hamilton | erin.hamilton@selahwa.gov |
Recreation & Tourism (509) 698-7300
Civic Center (509) 698-7302
Recreation & Tourism Manager | Zack Schab | zack.schab@selahwa.gov |
Recreation Coordinator | Taryn Franck | taryn.franck@selahwa.gov |
Facilities Coordinator | Ron Anderson | ron.anderson@selahwa.gov |
Wastewater Treatment (509) 698-7365
Treatment Plant Supervisor | Eric Neumeyer | eric.neumeyer@selahwa.gov |
Treatment Plant Operator | Ken Jones | ken.jones@selahwa.gov |