The Citizen’s Academy begins February 3, 2025, and runs through April 21, 2025. Classes are held every Monday night 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. You do not need to be a resident of Selah, but residents of Selah will take priority over non-residents. Class size is limited to 25-30 participants per class.
Participants of the academy will attend classes on Criminal Investigations, Traffic Enforcement, DUI Investigations, ATF, Gang Enforcement, K-9 Program, Forensics, FBI, Courts, DEA, Use of Force, Selah Fire Department Procedures, Taser and Firearms trainings.
Several Valley agencies participate in the academy. There are speakers from the Selah Police Department, Juvenile Courts, DEA, Yakima Police Gang Unit, Yakima K-9, Yakima County Sheriff’s Office, FBI, ATF, and Washington State Patrol, just to name a few.
For more information click here.